Our work in DevSecOps and Agile has led Octo to develop the METRO methodology for Agile Software Supply Chain operations. Through METRO, Octo transforms agencies into the most advanced, automated, and optimized Agile and DevSecOps operations within the government enterprise.
Maturity – We use our maturity process to create an Agile transformation plan that migrates software development teams to a modern Agile DevSecOps operational state delivering efficient, secure, and performant software solutions at the best value.
Experience and Practices – We employ our experience and practices to create value driven software development through well managed Agile teams.
Technology and Tools – Our teams use the technology and tools within automated DevSecOps pipelines to securely push quality code to production on a regular cadence. Learn how to accelerate your projects with Shift Up™.
Resources – Our Agile Knowledge Center provides Agile teams with online resources for maximizing operational performance and standardizing software product delivery.
Optimization and Measurement – We use robust dashboard tools to create real time metrics that allow Agile teams to optimize and measure their maturity and performance across software programs and projects, providing government stakeholders with situational awareness necessary for making productive business decisions that serve the user community.